Tuesday, 24 February 2015

This year so far

I know it's been a bit since our last update. So much has been happening. 
I first want to touch base on a topic near and dear to my heart, child elopement. Recently in the news there has been a lot of coverage here in Ontario due to a 3 year old boy escaping his grandparents apartment and freezing to death. A lot of people criticize these parents and I want to start by saying I am so sorry for your loss. As a parent of a child who elopes, death or injury is one of our biggest fears.  Some people have voiced opinions about  this topic and I won't justify any of their opinions. As a parent of a child who elopes we take all actions to ensure Ginjas safety. Extra locks, all windows locked, we even received permission to put a lock on the exterior of her bedroom door. That lock lasted one night because she ripped the lock right out of the door during a meltdown. I have personally slept in her room with the mattress against the door because I need sleep. I rarely have a full nights sleep because melatonin is no longer working for her and we don't see the Pediatrician until  May and then I can ask for something else to help us. A parent of a child who elopes always lives in fear because they have left the safety of their homes before and it's terrifying. We play all the what ifs what if she crossed the road into traffic what if she went this way instead of that towards water. I could write everyone of our concerns but I think most parents can understand the fear. Our Ginja eloped one week ago, it was scary and she was not harmed thankfully. So before you judge these parents, just think before you speak this is already hard enough to deal with, at the end of the day they have lost their precious child.