Sunday, 10 August 2014

Busy summer

We have been super busy this summer, kids playing in the water, lots of park time, family visits and lots of appointments. We are also prepping Ginja for school, something I had planned to be easy. I can't say she has been too hard to accept the idea of school but changes again with the school board put a loop hole in the plan. The new big school isn't going to be ready for first day of school and we are looking towards thanksgiving before it's ready. What does that mean to us? Lil man and Ginja were supposed to attend the same school but now will be attending two different schools. A change in our social story and hoping the adjustment isn't too hard for her. She was looking forward to going to school with her brother. I was prepared to drop them both off at school, now Lil man is being bussed and I am dropping Ginja off at school. The school she will be going to is now uncharted areas for her, we don't know if they will have a sensory room to help her, how the day will be different from the way it was supposed to be at the new school and then we will have another transition to face when the new school is finally ready. When I leave for work which is part time hours, Ginja is having a really difficult time with me leaving telling me "no leave me" which breaks my heart but I have to help contribute to our home and I have to help her accept she will be leaving mommy come September. 
A little bit of mischief when she was supposed to be going potty, while I was getting dressed. Ginja has taken a huge step in potty training now telling us when she has to pee, most of the time and actually peeing on the big toilet with a child insert. We are asking regularly if she has to go and I got her to poop just one time because I caught her sneaking away to go in her diaper. We have tried using knickers but she will pee through and not care, unlike other children she doesn't care if she is wet. Often she will jump in the sprinkler or into a kiddie pool fully clothed and not be affected. Her feeling of cold and hot are completely different from us. I can fill the sink with hot water for dishes and she is fascinated with bubbles, I use rubber gloves it's that hot and she can just stick her hands in and not notice it's hot. 
Her newest fascination is fishing, a girl after her daddies heart. She has a life jacket because she has no fear of water and will go right to the edge. We bought her a fishing rod just for her and then put an angry birds fish keychain on it so no hooks and she tosses it just like her daddy. She is also our child that is mechanically interested wanting to help her daddy change brakes, tires whatever job he is working on. Coco isn't far behind watching, observing and occasionally getting her hands dirty. Coco's speech is slowly coming along and we will be performing an ASQ in September with infant and child development, to figure if her actions are mimic of her sister or if we need to follow her for Autism as well. 
Daddy has been having some rough times, traumatic brain injuries don't heal like a broken leg or a strained muscle. It's been quite the adventure with drs trying different medications to no medication at all that was a horrible week, detox and pain to receiving physio and a follow up at the end if this month. 
Lil man is learning to cook, exciting and scary for me!!! He just brought out his first batch of pancakes a little crispy on some but not overly bad, so I'm going to enjoy them and will catch up with you soon.

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